Speech: Put this up to one-hundred as soon as you can, because every major character will offer you a speech check.Repair: Get that sucker to ninety as soon as possible, don't level any other skill until you do!.You need to focus on leveling your skills in the order that follows: I've chosen only the most important skills to add that TAG bonus to, and this is with the future kept in mind. If you choose to place your TAG skills as pictured above then you will not be going wrong in such a choice. Falk via "Fallout: New Vegas" Placing TAG Skills and Choosing Which Skills to Level First Your TAG skills don't really matter, but I suggest you follow this picture prompt for the best results.

There can be no argument against setting strength and charisma to ten, and I advise you do not mess with that in any way.

You can feel free to tinker and experiment with the placement of these skills, such as reducing endurance to a low level, but just make sure to leave strength and charisma at ten. The best build for the game does not require them. I've never actively sought to level these skills, never needed them, and I'm never going to utilize them. Agility and Luck 1: Arguably two of the most useless skills at your disposal, I say leave them at 1.It will also help you to get a few helpful perks later on. Intelligence 5: Though not as important as your other skills, you need to up this for the few intelligence checks in the game.Don't argue, just up that charisma skill! Charisma 10: It goes without saying that charisma is the most important skill in any RPG, so don't expect me to say anything more.You're going to be using stims and chems like crazy if you don't invest heavily in endurance.